The Council of Ministers issued its decision no. (1551) of December 18, 2013, approving the establishment of a Permanent Committee for Streamlining Business Environment in Kuwait to be headed by Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion (KDIPA) in accordance with the entrusted tasks to it in article 4 of Law No. 116 for 2013 regarding the promotion of direct investment in the State of Kuwait. The Committee will comprise the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Ministry of Electricity & Water, Ministry of Justice, and Kuwait Municipality, and has the right to request assistance of other relevant parties. The Committee will be assigned the tasks of coordinating with concerned government entities to streamline the business environment and be the focal contact point in dealing with all international, regional, and local organizations that publishes specialized economic reports and indices. It will also prepare periodic progress reports and submit to the Council of Ministers, with pertinent findings and recommendations for action. In issuing this decision, the Council of Ministers had reviewed the Ministry of Commerce & Industry letter of November 24, 2013 and the attached report detailing Kuwait position in Ease of Doing Business Report 2014, and received a presentation in its December 9th, 2013 weekly meeting, by Dr. Meshaal Jaber Al Ahmad Al Sabah, Director General of KDIPA, highlighting the present status of Kuwait in the Ease of Doing Business Report 2014 released late October by the World Bank.