
4- March- 2013, Kuwait Foreign Investment Bureau (KFIB) conducted a specialized training course in cooperation with the International Network Company (INC Technologies) on “SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Content Management Implementers Course”, at the Qualitas training institute in Plaza Complex, Hawali, during the period February 17-20, 2013. The course was attended by heads of sections and IT Consultant at KFIB.
This is the first f a series of training courses planned to accompany the implementation of the e-archive project in KFIB. The ECM is a document management system that is specially suited for sizable content in the form of documents or other non-document types like pages, blog posts, wiki libraries, regardless of the at organization’s size. This course will develop the key skills necessary to deploy SharePoint Server for ECM solutions which will improve internal and external environment for users; it has also a tight integration to Microsoft Office applications.