Investment Licensing Procedures

4 Steps for KDIPA Investment Licensing Procedures

1. Proposal

Submit The Application Request Form on KDIPA’s Investor Service Portal by

  1. Selecting the type of the Investment Entity
  2. Identify the Economic activity from ISIC Code kindly ensure that the activities chosen do not contradict the Negative List,

Feedback on the Application Request Form submission will be given within 3 business days

For further information on how to fill out The Application Request Form on KDIPA’s Investor Service Portal refer to:


2. Business Plan

The business plan consists of the project profile, technical aspect, the criteria, and the financial aspect of the project.

3. Application and Decision

  1. Once the Business plan is ready for processing the following documents required for the Application stage:
        • KDIPA Fees: Stated fees schedule for services rendered by KDIPA according to Ministerial Decision No. 182 of 2022.

    Based on Decision of the Director General of KDIPA approval or refusal will be provided within 30 working days

4. Issue

The Establishment Process is the last stage of the process which entails the setup phase of the entity and the required documents from the  Ministry of Commerce and Industry upon establishing a “Kuwaiti Company” or to open a “Branch of the Mother Company” and obtaining licenses.

Following requirements needed at this stage depending on the request.

KDIPA provides support throughout the application process and continues providing aftercare services to facilitate all your business needs

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